Senin, 28 April 2014

Noun Clause

Noun is a worf used to name people, objects, animals, place, and abstract concepts. English nouns is one of the eight part of speech.
In addition to the simple form consists of only one-word phrases may form : noun phrase (my bag, a letter put on my bag). Noun phrase is a noun phrase combination (the care) with the modifier. Nouns may also collaborate with others to form part of speech the word with a new meaning called compound noun (waterfall, roadshow).
In a sentence, the noun can function as :
Subject of a sentence(sample sentence : tommy has run the company since 1993)
Subject/object complment (sample sentence : she is a denstist)
Direct/indirect object (sample sentence : you hit the nail on the head)
Object of a prepotion (sample sentence : she was walking on the street when she was attacked)
Kind and examples noun
Wide allong noun example are as follows :
Countable and uncountable
Noun :
§  Countable is a noun that can be couted
Examole : tomato = tomatoes . man = men
§  Uncatable : is a noun not be counted
 Example : cheese, sugar
Proper and common noun : proper noun is a specific classification which use a capital letter at the beginning letters (jakarta, scholastic), while common in general (city, shop)
Abstract and concrete noun : abstract is a noun that can not be observed with the senses (love, romance). In contrast, the concrete can be observed with the five senses (book, flour).
Collective noun : to declare a group or collection name (class, deer)

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